"Mujer Emprende" presents its third program, in which the internationalization of SMEs was discussed.

On this occasion, the program began with a news section dedicated to the Woman Impact Summit event, after which an interview was held with the Deputy Minister of Economy and Internationalization of the Canary Islands Government, Ms. Almudena Estévez, who spoke about the importance for business development of looking at foreign markets, as well as some actions carried out by the Canary Islands Government to support companies in the internationalization process.

In the second section, called "Aprendiendo del fracaso", participated as a guest the entrepreneur Ms. Lola R. de Azero, entrepreneur and co-founder of "Senda Ecoway". In her speech, Lola de Azero spoke about some of the lessons learned during her entrepreneurship.

In the next section, "En pocas palabras", we had the pleasure of receiving Mrs. María Dolores Rodríguez, expert in economy and internationalization. María Dolores told us what are the 5 main mistakes a company makes when it comes to internationalization and 5 recommendations to create an effective strategy for the internationalization of an SME.

To end today's program, listeners were given three curious facts about women and entrepreneurship, facts that most of us don't know and that can give us a broader sense of this world. Want to know what they are? Then listen to the program on Radio ECCA's website

Mujer Emprende will be broadcasted again on Wednesday, November 25th. In the meantime, let's go for entrepreneurship!

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